Contact Team AFP
please feel free to send art, gifts & strange findings, and love to:
Amanda Palmer
8ft Records
1639 Centre Street, Unit 288
Ridgewood, NY 11385
Official Twitter Accounts
@amandapalmer – amanda’s official personal twitter
@dresdendolls – the dresden dolls’ official twitter
Professional Stuff
general professional inquiries: management@amandapalmer.net
UK press ukpress@amandapalmer.net
north america press: napress@amandapalmer.net
booking (north america): nabooking@amandapalmer.net
booking (uk/europe): ukeurobooking@amandapalmer.net
booking (everywhere else | latin america, russia, oz, etc): otherbooking@amandapalmer.net
speaking engagements: speaking@amandapalmer.net
Fun Stuff
your letters: letters@amandapalmer.net
your art: art@amandapalmer.net
live photos: photos@amandapalmer.net
patreon: patreon.com/amandapalmer (contact patronhelp@amandapalmer.net if you’re a patron and need help!)
question about a past merch order? missing something from an order you placed?
please email customercare@amandapalmer.net
p.s. the main place to get my music from is here on my site…most of it’s free+donation (or no more than $1 when it isn’t). if you feel inclined to donate more, that will go directly to supporting me and my art. please tell your friends, and help share me with the rest of the world…YOU are my label now, comrades.
photo by: Shervin Lainez