The Clock At The Back Of The Cage
This video was powered & paid for by over 9,300 patrons….please join our art-family at: Song Written by Amanda Palmer & Edward Ka-Spel. The new album, “I Can Spin A Rainbow” is OUT May 5th, 2017. Read the enitre backstory of this video (and order the album on CD/LP) here: Credits: Directed by: Christy Louise Flaws, Chris Bennett, & Luke O’Connor Cinematography: Chris Bennett Performed by: Christy Louise Flaws & Luke O’Connor Artistic assistants: Amanda Sabo, Helen Turton, Ollie Versteegen Christy Louise Flaws & Luke O’Connor are: Chris Bennett is: Special Thanks to Dan Rabin at for the use of his venue, to Jens Altheimer for the use of his equipment, to Tim Elliott for behind the scenes photography, to Tim Elliott and Lauren Cruickshank for props and assistance, to all the people who donated clothes and fabric, and to Deborah James and Robert Murray for baby wrangling. We couldn’t have done it without you.