🎡 Sunday.
Happy Sunday everybody. Love from l’Hôpital.
Thank you all for the love and support in the last few days.
Keep on chuckin’ it our way.
Sorry I’ve been a little cryptic. There’s feelings and there’s reality and privacy and all that. This is a strange art, being in the hands of a community and also being the hands holding A Situation. I was there with my best friend Anthony for many years while he slipped away from leukemia.
I have always loved how real this all is, how real you are.
This ride.
It is indeed.
I’m going to write a longer and more explain-y post in the next few days for the monthly state of all things/Althing. I have a lotta feels and thoughts about the bigger picture at the moment. Hospitals and illnesses do that.
But : And
I have never, ever, ever in my life been more grateful for the support of this here community.
It’s not going to be an easy month, and the sands are shifting….but it all feels easier knowing that I have all these people who believe in my art, my core values, my complex life choices.
Here we are again. Help me hold steady. With help, I can do pretty much anything. I will ask.
I wrote a book about this shit, I know.