#NINJATED 2016 BLOG: The Sights! The Smells! The Astronauts! The Mythbusters! The Kites! …The BEST.
hola comrades…
greetings from Austin, where we are getting ready to drop a brand new, full-blown original song tomorrow!! if you haven’t joined the Patreon, now’s a good time: https://www.patreon.com/amandapalmer
THE WHOLE WEBCAST IS NOW VIEWABLE HERE: https://huzza.io/amandapalmer/live-stream/amanda-palmer-ninjated/live/replay
here’s the round-up of the #ninjaTED madness from last week…and madness it was.
for starters, we raised $16,825 for the greater vancouver food bank!!!
the great part is that with their purchasing power, the food bank is able to get $3 of value for ever $1 donated, so in fact the value of #ninjaTED’s fundraising comes out to $50,475.
THAT IS AMAZING and thank you thank you to everyone from vancouver who came out and made the party a fuckin epic one.
and HUGE thanks to sarah shandl, once again, for kicking my ass into gear this year.
it all started out with me not really wanting to do this gig, because baby.
i was headed to TED and already wondering what it was going to be to attend a conference that goes from 8:30 am to 7 pm with a lunch break.
we’d invited cassandra long (my housemate from boston) to come watch ash during the day and take him on long walks and paint on his face and stuff, but i still had no idea how it would feel, and no idea what my energy level would be, and i remember last year feeling insane and overwhelming, because i was 3 months pregnant and trying to do all this shit at once. so, yeah i thought about it and made up my mind not to do it. and then sarah shandl emailed. she’s the one i met the night before the FIRST #ninjaTED who volunteered her services as a helped via twitter without knowing who i was. and i was like: yeah. no. i’m pretty sure not gonna do it. baby. and then someone from the vancouver food bank emailed, wondering if i was going to Do The Thing again, and i was like, no. baby. and then sarah emailed again a week later, and i was like, yeah…i’m not gonna do it. baby. and then she texted me a few days before TED and was like: are you sure? i’m hanging out with some people from the vogue theater right now and they’re asking.
and i was like: fuck.
i must have been feeling particularly energetic that night.
anyway, i did it.
the whole concept behind the original ninjaTED was this (and it hasn’t changed): use the fact that all these amazing TED people are in town and get them to the people of vancouver, who can’t afford the crazy-expensive tickets to TED. that’s all. maria popova said, in her blog about it, that it’s like a form of robin-hooding. i’m a robin hood with a ukulele. i’ll take that. awesome.
i knew maria popova would be at TED, so i asked her, and then i found out sarah kay would be at TED, so i asked her, and then….well, needless to say…it all came together. by the time i hit stage about a week later, i had the canadian national yo-yo champion, the canadian national kite-flying champion, adam savage from mythbusters, one of the most iconic dancers of our century, and, yes, an astronaut.
go figure.
the luckiest part of this year’s #ninjaTED was that we got to WEBCAST IT!!!!!! the guys from huzza.io, the new platform for webcasting i’ve been using, are BASED in vancouver and busted ass to film the entire show and run a wonderful webcast. the ENTIRE webcast is now online HERE (it’s like four hours….grab a bottle), but for your pleasure below, we’ve included (yes, we, billh is helping me compile this mammoth blog, thank you bill) TIMESTAMPS so you can skip to the spot in the webcast where that performer is introduced.first… I introduced everyone to the baby. it was this time last year…I played the last #ninjaTED the day I announced it. full circle shit, people.
(photo by taylor roades)

and then the aart schuurman vancouver food bank CEO came up and thanked everybody and gave me some beautiful rainboots for ash…
and then jherek played an amazing solo bass song (he was in town for the TED surprise of us doing “space oddity”)
and then jason and i auctioned off the fateful ukulele….