August 23, 2010
THE LATE-NIGHT CABARET!! + me & neil w/ ben folds, kevin smith, and some masochistic waxing
willkommen bienvenue comrades!!!
sometime very soon i’m going to hit you (promise. PROMISE.) with my “everything cabaret” blog, including:
* where to stay in town
* where to eat
* what to do to kill time before the show in my beloved harvard square
* a bunch of fun shit to to prepare for your CABARET experience.
i’m compiling as we speak, between rehearsals – which are fucking long and arduous but so fucking worth it…this show is going to knock your dick off.
and, if you’re into that sort of thing (having your dicks knocked off, that is), tickets are going FAST. i can’t warn you enough, if you wanna go to this show, it’s SELLING OUT QUICK. get your tickets HERE before they do. consider yourself warned.
NOW…before we get too knee-deep in the awesomeness that is AFP’sLNFC, here’s some last minute coolness involving me and neil and two other men…
me & my main moxy neil gaiman & ben folds will be doing a LIVE THREE-WAY (oh la la) WEBCHAT WEDNESDAY NIGHT @ 6 PM EST (find out what time that is for you HERE).
tune in at
kevin smith (yes, @THATkevinsmith) – the new-jersey-film-auteur/podcaster-extraordinaire kevin smith – has challenged me to a duel of sorts.
from a series of tweets just now:
SUCCESS! I have captured @NeilHimself – living embodiment of infidel pussy-stealers – in a glass cage, buried the beast beneath @SModcastle!
Phase one, complete. Now, @AmandaPalmer will HAVE TO come rescue her bitch boyfriend! And when she does… I’LL FORCE PERFORMANCE FROM HER!
Hear me, @AmandaPalmer! No more foppish (though likely not flop-ish) Brit-Cock for you – unless you ransom the fiend @NeilHimself with song!
On November 23rd, only @SModcastle, the girl will rescue the boy! And only 50 people will get to watch it happen! DETAILS WEDNESDAY MORNING!
(apparently he’s not too bad a guy if he’s willing to let neil out for the webcast with ben wednesday, but) i shall defend my moxy nonetheless! he says details wednesday morning, so……details wednesday morning, folks. follow kevin and @AFPwire and me and we’ll surely tweet up a storm about this whole shebang.
NOW…back to the show…
here’s a shot neil took today and posted to twitter of us rehearsing “money”…..
and here’s a shot from the ultimate sacrifice.
yes. steven mitchell wright insisted we all shave/wax our bodies for the show, since we’re going to be covered head-to-toe in make-up every night and it gets caught in the hair (and looks rawther unaesthetic).
i brought christopher along for moral support, and he took this LOVELY photo:
can i get a collective “OW”, please?
if seeing “CABARET” THE MUSICAL ITSELF wasn’t enough for you, here’s the low-down on the much-anticipated show-AFTER-the-show.
as many of y’all know, boston is my home-stomping ground and i know a ton of people around here…i’ve also been meeting up with some insane talent on the road.
being in “cabaret” in a nightclub/theater means that i get to do whatever i want AFTER-HOURS since the awesome folks at the ART have given me the keys. so i’m DOIN’ it.
i booked 8 nights of shows, chock full of old and new friends, and plan on playing SOMETHNG at every gig (could be piano, could be ukulele, could be theremin…who knows).
in all seriousness, i’ll be trying out some new material, jamming with the guest bands, and bascially just hanging out and making merry in our wonderful little theater.
there will be LOTS OF special guests showing up unannounced, so i suggest you buy tickets for WHATEVER night you can – a good night is guaranteed across the board.
meine damen und herren, mesdames et messiers, ladies und gentelmen…i give you:
artwork by jeremy scott
all ages, sizes, and genders welcome!
tickets will be $15 for each of these gigs…
can’t wait to see you there. please come dressed for the occasion:
september 15
10:30 pm
september 22
10:30 pm
september 28 & 29
10:30 pm
BUY TICKETS (for tuesday)
BUY TICKETS (for wednesday)
october 7
10:30 pm
october 12
10:30 pm
october 18
8:00 pm
october 27
10:30 pm

JUAN SON is, for lack of a better explanation, the “mexican bjork”. he’s huge there, but hasn’t broken out up in the states yet.
i found him through john cameron mitchell, who played me the youtube clip of juan’s song “mermaid sashimi” one day, then brough juan to the evelyn shows. juan is sweet as honey and as nuts as a payday, and sings from the depths of soul…and often dons animal costumes. he’s left mexico city, is living in new york, and currently recording a record…i swear, when he gets HUGE, you heard it here first.

THE LONESOME ORGANIST is a one-man force of entertainment from chicago…and needs an explanation/story than i can tell here, but i promise i’ll tell it at the gig.
let’s just say i owe the guy a huge favor…and i’ve wanted to see him play again since the last time he blew my mind (back in 1998 when i saw him play at wesleyan).

MISS TESS is a vocal powerhouse who plays “vintage modern” with a SMOKING band. expect classy classics with a twist…bessie smith, tom waits, originals, and then some.
i first saw miss tess playing in a teeny little bar in boston called TOAD, and wrangled her to open for the new years boston pops night of mayhem – some of you saw me
sneak down into the basement there and perform a secret little “house of the rising sun” with her. she’s killer.

BITTER RUIN are from brighton, england & saved my ass by coming on tour with me on a moment’s notice (they found me through twitter) when the ashcloud stranded my twin sister in america this spring.
they sing hard-edged beautiful duets that will shatter your heart and make you cry and dance.

the ANNIE DARCY BAND you may remember from “sleep no more”, the punch drunk production the A.R.T. put on in the abandoned schoolhouse last year…
annie was fronting the band in the fictionally fabled Manderley bar that you would’ve wound up in at the end of the night. she has a voice like a true diva, and she’s going to be bringing along her band and a pile of late-night drink-yourself-to-death then revive-and-dance-on-the-bar classic standards…and we’ll all hopefully be jamming to high heaven.

boston’s own WALTER SICKERT & THE ARMY OF BROKEN TOYS is a mad group of performers who are equal parts spectacle, shanty, and dance party.
some of you may have caught them at the Evelyn Evelyn after-party at the House of Blues recently, where they played a rousing sing-a-long of the “Ghostbusters” theme.
i say no more. these guys BRING the party.

MEOW MEOW is an old old friend and collaborator of mine from australia. she and i have shared many stages, and her style is better known as KAMIKAZE CABARET.
she’s a post-modern mash-up of old cabaret, new cabaret, and usually winds up getting the audience to undress and crowd-surf her aloft while singing the classics. she’ll be accompanied by Lance Horne, another good friend who’s also the music director and pianist for “cabaret”. one big happy musical family, we are. she is FUCKING unmissable and seeing her in a venue this size is a dream – book FAST.

JAGGERY is another boston gem, led by my house-mate and art-comrade-in-arms Mali Sastri. mali is an intense stage presence, part kate bush, part portishead, part banshee.
her vocal skills are out of this world (seriously, sometimes i don’t know WHERE she gets her range) and her songs are haunting, heavy and bizarre. i’m a huge fan. please request she play “seven stone”.

RICK BERLIN is a LEGENDARY boston cabaret singer-songwriter. it was rick who gave the dresden dolls our very first “real” gig, at jacque’s cabaret…a beautifully seedy drag bar that rick still plays at.
his songs are off-kilter broadway, and he’s a VETERAN showman who loves a crazed audience (that’s you). i’m really excited to be able to bring him on stage with me, it’s been too long.
you do not have to have a ticket to “cabaret&
#8221; (the musical) to come to the Late-night Fucking Cabaret – it’s a totally separate ticket.
#8221; (the musical) to come to the Late-night Fucking Cabaret – it’s a totally separate ticket.
but i DO recommend you do a full-on night on the town and book your tickets, wisely. come for “cabaret”, DRINK COPIOUSLY ALL NIGHT, stay for the concert, stumble home, sleep like a baby. repeat the week after.
i do warn you: if you’re gonna do that, you need to get tickets for everything NOW.
TEN shows – august 31st, september 1st, september 2nd, september 3rd, september 7th, september 8th, september 9th, september 19th (early), september 14th, and october 26th – are already SOLD THE FUCK OUT (thank you!!) and many are VERY close…if you do not have tickets yet, now is the time to grab ‘em. the venue only seats 175 people – they’re going FAST.
for those and additional info on ALL of this stuff, visit
my heart may be in boston now, but it’s never far from you, dear new york.
all y’all…save OCTOBER 9th. i’m bringing a faction of the late-night fucking cabaret to a secret spot in brooklyn and WEBCASTING it.
right now, the party will feature me and miss zoe boekbinder (of vermillion lies) but we’ll have a lock on some other surprises soon.
those and more details are coming, so be sure to follow @AFPwire for how/when/where you can get tickets – but this shit is gonna be teeny-tiny (a space of about 100 people) and will sell out quick. save the date.
p.s. you might’ve seen this info come via mailer. or maybe you didn’t. in any case, SIGN THE FUCK UP. “why?” you might ask. well, in addition to the fact we’re always trying to give mailer-land folks advance-notice about theengs, there’s something BIG coming september 7th. get yo’self signed up so you gots a front row ticket fo’ that shit.
p.p.s. a photo himself took of me writing this blog during rehearsal so that it could go out to fine folks like yourself: