ask for a machete & ye shall receive a machete
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(public post)
hola comrades
i needed to crowdsource a machete. i asked yesterday afternoon on twitter, and VOILA, my ol pal erin routson happened to see the tweet so she not only showed up ON THE BEACH AT 6:30 AM for a photoshoot for “machete” cover art with allan amato…but she held lights and saved the battery pack from getting swallowed by a wave. she is pictured here in true warrior pose. shoot was epic. babies and machetes were utilized. no babies or machetes were harmed in the taking of the cover shot.
thanks to allan for getting up at hell o’clock and to olga nunes for assisting him, too.
now racing to leave L.A. today after our holiday/family stint here…jherek is mixing it and i’m so so so excited to hear how this shit pans out. RAH.
(if you want to see the hilarity of the crowdsourced machete, go read my twitter feed from yesterday. it’s pretty funny:…and a good moment to note, because i take nothing for granted, that twitter is still my go-to quick-realtime social media preference when stuff is going down, so follow me if you’re not already…things can still happen on twitter faster, wider and better than they can anywhere else, imho).
amanda machete fucking palmer
p.s. if you want an hour of listening to something cool….this was a fun spot of me on NPR yesterday, with my radio hero christopher lydon, talking about the cultural importance/significance of star wars with dave eggers and a few other folks: “star wars: our postmodern myth”: