January 12, 2011
heading into the map of tasmania……..
but as someone pointed out to me on twitter today….”the map is not the territory” – Alford Korzybski
getting on a plane in the morning to fly to hobart and start the tour madness….
and LOOK i’m on the cover of the australian national lesbian magaine, LOTL:
(thanks to karina/@KAH_was_taken for the photo)

(thanks to karina/@KAH_was_taken for the photo)
LOTL’s not short, as you may have hoped, for LAND OF THE LESBIANS, but for LESBIANS ON THE LOOSE, which is almost better. it’s all over oz, pick one up. the shot’s of course by the incredible kyle cassidy.
the benefit for tom and jen aka The Jane Austen Argument was a SMASHING SUCCESS…look at this place:

a great shot, also by jo, of me eating it up:
it was a success – not just because i got to play in a sweaty bar to a few hundred people and get my jollies (i DO so love doing that) – but because the combined money from the door and the stage-auction we held, raised them over $3500, which means that can join me for EVERY date i invited them to come on. for those of you not in melbourne about to see them, i can’t wait to share them with you, they’re fucking awesome.
also, i twittered a picture the other day of a dude i ran into on the tram. i hadn’t spoken to him when i stole this picture:
well, it turns out his name was gary.
and we started talking (i asked him if i could take a picture, after i alrady had…like, retroactive permission, but whatevs), and he knew who i was.
and he told me he was part of the not-no-secret society called THE MELBOURNE UKULELE KOLLECTIVE.
tom was with me, and we’d just been at the brunswick hotel drinking ciders and plotting our gig, so of course we invited him and his ukulele-playing comrades to join the gig last night…
and TWELVE OF THEM showed up with ukuleles. we covered AC/DC, paul kelly, radiohead and played a STUNNING rendition of “map of tasmania” with kim boekbinder providing a rap for the third verse.
here’s a clip of us doing “taught by experts” by paul kelly, an awesome song, one of my favs…why didn’t i put it on the fucking record? *hits head*
life is good.. so many ukuleles.
here we are, learning the paul kelly song together in the rainy alleyway:

and here’s us, dried off, in the dressing room:

moral of the story, don’t ever let anyone tell you it’s not useful to approach strangers on the tram.
meanwhile, the wedding blog is still sitting in purgatory.
and also, i JUST saw the physical record in it’s actual jewel case:

it looks awesome – beth did a superb job on the layout.
and everyone else, HANG TIGHT, we’re going to be unveiling the digital and the international bundles options SOON.