how are you? everyone i know is so tired and sad right now, so i made you a playlist
Hallo My Loves
Long story short: I’m here with an early Christmas present for you. I just made a you a playlist that is a warm blanket of stars around your soul.
Greetings from Glenorchy, Te Waipounama – the South Island of Aotearoa New Zealand.
I’m trying to put the final touches on the December Althing so that I can fall of the face of the earth for a couple weeks.
Everyone I know is weird and most people I know are scared and sad and so so so tired right now.
Me too.
How are you? I am asking. It’s slightly scary to ask.
But I want to know. So tell me, tell us. Tell us where you are.
Omicron. Covid. Christmas. Emotional temperature. All of it.
I posted this question to social media today…..
(here on twitter, and here on IG), and the answers are, well, maybe what you might expect.
People are just….the most fucking tired they’ve ever been.
Tireder than tired gets.
Over it all.
I watched Biden’s address this morning from New Zealand and actually broke down crying.
Just from exhaustion.
My friends have been holding me up, so beautifully. They hold my heart. They ask. I answer. I ask. They answer. It’s everything.
And so…was talking to a friend of mine today and offering to make them a playlist of my favorite mid-tempo “fuck you are so tired here is a hug” songs that soothe and calm my nerves and figured I’d just make it on spotify and share it with everybody because why not.
Songs for collapsing.
So here you all go…
Mid-tempo only.
Almost all major key.
Melancholy supreme.
Perfect, perfect driving music.
Maybe Take a Bath music. Or just lie in bed and cry.
I mean….whatever.
This playlist is dedicated to any and every one of you that is struggling and just needs a HUG.
And I’ll tell you the truth about the playlist title….most of these songs were pulled from a note in my phone after I was going for long drives on the South Island a half a year ago, fantasizing about starting a cover band that would wear sunglasses and wigs and do a residency at the Sherwood Lounge in Queenstown five nights a week and the name of the band would be We Are A Band That Plays Only Twelve Mid-tempo Cover Songs But Those Songs Are Like A Warm Blanket Of Stars Around Your Soul.
I imagine the band only playing these songs, never talking, and insisting that the venue only ever use the band’s entire name on all billing or the band doesn’t play.
Don’t think I might not actually try to get away with doing this and thinging it. I have been known to do way less weird things.
I’m open to other perfect mid-tempo songs. Hit me. But get a metronome.
I just tempo-tested ALL THE SONGS….they’re all between 50-83 BPM. I even fired one of the songs because it was clocking in at 90 BPM and I was like YOU ARE FIRED.
Tell me what you think.
Maybe I’ll make you more playlists.
I love a lot of music.
I actually added about 13 songs to this list and then had to pare back to just make it…perfect.
And tell me….my loves… are you, really?
Althing coming.
I hug you all.
P.S. Here’s a few photos of the last few days….
and here’s the little story I posted on Instagram yesterday:
amanda and neil go for a walk. amanda and neil climb to the top of a big hill. amanda and neil look at the blue lake. amanda lies in the green grass. neil looks at the nice flowers. amanda takes pictures of neil. neil takes pictures of amanda. amanda and neil like new zealand.