January 14, 2011
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: amanda fucking palmer featuring The Young Punx & director michael pope give you….
spread this shit far and wide, TELL PEOPLE ABOUT IT! tweet it, post on your facebook walls, IM your friends, email it, project it in your school lunchroom…GO. TO. TOWN.
use the shortened URL http://bit.ly/MAPvid (and try and use the #MapOfTasmania hash-tag so we can read your musings)…
we filmed this back in november at pope’s place in brooklyn. here’s a blog about the whole thing. a billion thanks to the creative & film crew who put this beast together, and more huge thanks all the wonderful volunteers who GOT JIGGY with me in NYC and were willing to proudly bare their MAPS OF TASMANIA for all to see. you killed it and i loved dancing with y’all. you all look beautiful.
and as a super-special treat, a WORD FROM THE DIRECTOR, mr. michael pope himself….
Amanda and I have been making music videos, multi-media theater, interactive parties and countless other projects together for the better part of ten years. We are both helplessly addicted to the creative adventure, that palpable, kinetic energy that comes from a group of people working their asses off to breath life into an idea.
This energy is, and must be, intuitive and spontaneous and allowed to take off in whatever direction best embodies the exact moment of creation.
With Map of Tasmania, we really used the current breakthroughs in media production technology to harness creative spontaneity. Continually tossing up new found possibilities throughout the day, following that intuition and riding this enormous wave of creativity, it is a process that taps the highest human ideal, now made possible by the tools available.
Map of Tasmania is important. its a modern day, ukulele rocking, dance groove pounding ode to the Divine Feminine. A spirit that is so important for the world today.
On the surface its a song about girls growing out their pubes. Underneath that however is a call to everyone, woman and man alike, to discover the courage to be themselves. Whoever that may be. No small order in a world that is constantly bombarding us with who and what we “should” be.
At one point – ten hours into our shooting day, racing to complete the video – I looked around the room. There were crew members hustling, break dancers and krunkers practicing, 40 dance party extras, twenty people – women and men both – dressed in various merkins each one more outrageous than the one before, a project self-funded by Amanda and as outside the box as one can get, and I thought to myself “this is the ritual of our time”- The Creative Action.
In the 21st century the Divine Feminine is kicking ass and taking names.
thanks, pope, you’re a fucking treasure.

and for those asking about downloading this bitch…in february or so, we’re gonna release it for free, bundled with a remix EP…
“remix??” you say…
YES! to coincide with the launch of the video, we’re doing a REMIX CONTEST at indaba music (something i’ve wanted to do FOREVA).
you’ll find all of the info on our first-ever crazy dance-party remix contest…where you can WIN A THOUSAND BUCKS, even. go there and download the parts, and create your own version, using any software you want with indaba’s free remixer. we’ll also post links on @AFPwire so you can grab the stems offa torrent sites and whatnot. do it up, upload it, tell the world by tweeting with the #AFPrmx hash-tag, and then everyone can check it out and vote.
hal and i are gonna be listening to ‘em all/judging, and some of the winners will not only win some scrilla but also be added to the remix EP we’re putting together (that’s gonna include a SICK rap i just got from PEACHES!!!)
big. bucket. of. win.
speaking of “map”, we posted it up on facebook the other day and there were some questions about where it was from/if i was putting out a new record.
it comes out in A WEEK.
here’s the cover:

if you’re IN AUSTRALIA, you can pre-order the CD from JB hi-fi (signed by me) HERE.
go get it. it’s fucking awesome. and the artwork is gorgeous.
and if you’re anywhere else (or even in Oz) and planning to buy a BUNDLE, here’s the deal:
they’ll be going on sale soon (alongside the almost-pay-what-you-want digital release on bandcamp). if you wanna know exactly WHEN, follow @AFPwire on twitter. we’ll whet your appetite in the coming days and ALL WILL BE REVEALED, but to give you a taste, here’s one of the pieces beth created:
bundles are going to range in price from just over $10 on up, and while a lot of it isn’t limited, there are a few crazy things which’ll only be available for A FEW PEOPLE. save your pennies, we’re coming for ‘em.
again, follow @AFPwire, and you’ll be the first to know when it’s going on sale.
and now, i prepare for tour madness. if you want to help promote these shows (and maybe win some coooooool s
tuff), keep up with THIS section on the shadowbox for promo tools and info…hayley and sean will be updating everyone, shortly.
tuff), keep up with THIS section on the shadowbox for promo tools and info…hayley and sean will be updating everyone, shortly.
love from tasmania (yes, i’m on the actual island as we speak, about to play Mona Foma, and they’re FLOODED – make your own poetry out of THAT shit).
p.s. AGAIN, HERE be the dates (some new shows/tickets have been added, BTW)…see you soon, comrades.