"my private life is an inside joke and no one will explain it me"
i went jogging this morning to the new bright eyes…
god damn the man pens a clever fucking lyric. so sorry conor, i stole it for my blog subject. better than attacking you naked….i suppose i’m all grown up.
on my way to the show at the melbourne forum, but time for some happy fucking news.
first, happy news:
emma, our heroine from lexington high school who – last we saw, got kicked off the school stage with her columbine school-shooting play – has not only found a STAGE for it, but it’s one of the most prestigious stages in the city. i’ll be damned. everybody, follow along, and i should be in town to see it unless something crazy happens.
we’re also talking about doing a public panel/discussion about censorship, possibly at same venue, stay tuned for info. click the image of the venue (below) to take read
the boston.com article…
the LA WEEKLY also did a great piece, which is mostly an email interview with me, about fan-sourced food.
read it HERE.
and in the twitpic “caption this” department….i posted this a few days ago (it’s from the napier ninja gig on art deco weekend) and got some stunning results.
the winner, @SuzDC:
“NOBODY tries to touch Ms. Palmer’s MAP OF TASMANIA, and nobody eats hot lead.”
and the runner up, @sermoiii:
“ever since she got her sidekick, Amanda’s busking income has quadrupled”
p.s. earthquake update: the NZ red cross collected at the Evelyn Evelyn at the Evelyn show last night, which was a great, crazy-wild sold-out success. the twins like it in australia. we’ll be collecting money again at the show tonight. laura from christchurch & me have been emailing back and forth and she’s safe with cousins in australia.