The (Audiobook) Hill I Will Die On.
Hi loves
I interrupt this week of grief and weirdness to say something quick and cheerful and random about Audiobooks because…
when else?
I posted this up to social media yesterday and it resonated hard with many folks….so I’m posting it up here and it’s brightening my mood.
Who wants to die on this hill with me?
I think my book “The Art of Asking”, at this point, has been listened to in book-form more than read in book-form. It’s a constant seller on Audible. Who knows?
A book is just a thing made with words.
Words can be read with eyes or listened to with ears. The people who have listened to my audiobook have “read” my book, and I honestly think they got the better deal, because the emotion (and sometimes tears) that went along with the audio recording feel like a more personal and fundamentally honest representation of “the book” than the written words.
So, I’ll take this and one up it:
Audiobooks can be more real than hardbacks and paperbacks.
Would love to hear your feels about audiobooks.
And also, I haven’t done a voiceramble (where I just send you a rambling talking audio diary) in a while, for any tier. Maybe I’ll try to do a few from New Zealand. I’m tired enough. It’s good when I’m too tired to write with my fingers. I write with my voice. Same same.
While I have you here, this is the link for the book, which I know many of you have read, on Audible:
Good night and good morning wherever you are.
Love from Aotearoa New Zealand.
Where I am still as culture-lagged, overwhelmed, happy, sad and shocked as I was in 2020.
As above, so below.