UkuleleHead is OUT!! WEBCAST PARTY is TODAY @ 6 pm!!!
aloha comrades….
(photo and pineapple art by desi, of course)
the day has come!!!
you can now download the album digitally HERE, for a minimum donation of 84¢.
the physical packages/bundles (photos & info below) are going to be up for sale at THREE O’CLOCK TODAY (boston/NYC time: check your time-zone HERE).
so now you may be asked….what should i do?
i’ll give you some options:
is pay the minimum 84¢ for this record so that i can pay back radiohead (for the cost of their publishing, etc) and paypal, and then DONATE on top.
if you’re kinda poor, donate a dollar. if you’re really rich, donate $100. or $1000. if you’re, like, a gazillionaire, donate $1,000,000,000. if you do that i’ll buy an island for us all to have a party on forever. YAY!!!!!!
is to just download the record for 84¢ and pay no more pay no more.
that way radiohead makes their money on the songs they wrote, i break even, and i get to see how many people have the record. yay!
is download the music for free, have a friend email it to you, or otherwise own it and enjoy it without paying for it.
honestly, that’s no skin off my back. if radiohead doesn’t KNOW (and neither do I) that you’re downloading this music, i don’t have to pay their publishing fee.
and i’d rather you have this music than not have it. so go ahead and take it from the cloud. yay.
is nothing. in this case scenario, you decide that it’s just too much of a pain in the ass to listen to my record AT ALL. please don’t do this. find a way. this record is good. yar.
whether you pay $1,000,000,000 or absolutely nothing for this album, i NEED YOU TO TELL PEOPLE ABOUT IT. YOU. YOU YOU YOU.
i REALLY DO. i have no label. i have no huge promotional machine.
it’s me, sean, beth, hayley and my publicist sending out an email to the magazines and outlets of the world. and i am relying on twitter, this blog and the email i sent out to do EVERYTHING.
you will not read about this record in rolling stone.
you will not see billboards for this album in the subway.
you will not hear these songs on the radio (unless someone at college radio or some other DJ decided to like it and take up the cause, and if you’re a college DJ, help me out for christ’s sake).
i need you to tweet about it, email your friends about, put it on your facebook, and otherwise SPREAD THE WORD.
this is the way we do shit now.
once you donate – TELL PEOPLE.
twitter the link to the record and tell people that you donated. if you feel like it, tell them how much.
if you love the record, tell them that too.
actually, this is a good time to tell you: we will be giving away prize packages all day today to people tweeting about the album using the #UKULELEhead tag on twitter. to make things even more enticing, thanks to the lovely laura vogel who was at the evelyn evelyn NYC run helping out, we have an exclusive version of “high and dry” on solo piano we’ll trade you if you tweet about the record. the piano-cover-of-a-ukulele cover was mentioned HERE in this blog, and a lot of you really wanted a copy…now, here’s your chance. click HERE on instructions for download.
and also…we don’t expect promo to only be on twitter. it shouldn’t be, it’d be great to have it EVERYWHERE! if you have a blog, blog about it.
if you know someone who writes about music, TELL them about it. email them a copy. tell them to spread the word.
if you have a much more creative mind, put it to work. do things.
create a little album shrine with hibiscus flowers surrounding the album in your office cubicle for all to see.
send me pictures.
the preparation is coming along like gangbusters.
i’m working on some gorgeous arrangements of the songs (never to be repeated), and much of the webcast will be sad and lonely, because…
well, the songs are pretty sad and lonely.
but not all will be sombre and depressing.
lee has put all the plants on the top floor on WHEELS.
beth, kayla and hayley showed up last night from new york with LOTS OF HAWAIIAN ATTIRE & DRINK UMBRELLAS.
i have three different coconut bras to choose from.
neil is landing at 5 pm and has promised to wear “a variety” of hawaiian shirts. sounds suspicious.
michael pope gets in tonight from NYC and we’re going to KILL THIS SHIT.
casey and her two sisters showed up form NEW HAMPSHIRE like 15 minutes ago, with popsicles.
beth has a supply of red bull. hayley has a coconut mug. kayla has a lobster hat.
look how ready we fucking are.
have questions ready.
and here, my dears, are the bundle options…..ready for ordering today at 3 pm HERE.
**PLEASE NOTE – because the folks at bandcamp are awesome, ALL of your orders come with a digital copy of the record which includes lyrics & bonus content. you’ll be able to get it in MP3, FLAC, apple lossless, and all sorts of other varieties.**

* “Amanda Palmer Performs The Popular Hits Of Radiohead On Her Magical Ukulele” limited-edition, numbered, translucent cherry-red vinyl (limited to 1,000)
+ immediate digital download of the album

* printed on super-soft fabric, and available à la carte due to popular demand from YOU: the official UkuleleHead t-shirt, mofos. we’ll have aqua for you double-rainbow-lovin-happy-types, or BLACK for the rest of you.
+ immediate digital download of the album

you guessed it…
* “Amanda Palmer Performs The Popular Hits Of Radiohead On Her Magical Ukulele” limited-edition, numbered, translucent cherry-red vinyl (limited to 1,000)
* the official UkuleleHead t-shirt
* some UkuleHead BUTTONS
+ immediate digital download of the album

click to see: red uke | side detail | back detail
**PLEASE NOTE: because there will be 50 red and 50 blue, you will have a choice of which color you want upon checkout. in the event one color sells out first, it will be marked as such/unavailable for purchase.**
* a recording wherein i’ll sing a haiku written by you (or whatever 20-words-or-less-you-choose), accompanied by the magical ukulele (recording will be emailed to you)
* the t-shirt, vinyl, an AFP hurricane glass, a “vintage-ad” poster, a custom ukulele pick, a signed “glamour shot”, a recycled UkuleleHead can-lid magnet, and more!
+ immediate digital download of the album

* a mahalo ukulele, hand-painted by me me me, inspired by radiohead lyrics from the record (you can find individual/detail shots of all of the ukuleles in my new blog HERE, and read the making-of blog with photos and video HERE). you’ll be able to see the entire ukulele when the store goes live on tuesday.
* a personal phone/skype call with yours truly, during which i’ll play the UkuleleHead song of your choice, or simply just talk to you about Your Mom.
* a recording wherein i’ll sing a haiku written by you (or whatever 20-words-or-less-you-choose), accompanied by the magical ukulele.
* the t-shirt, vinyl, an AFP hurricane glass, a “vintage-ad” poster, a custom ukulele pick, a signed “glamour shot”, a recycled UkuleleHead can-lid magnet, and more!
+ immediate digital download of the album

**PLEASE NOTE: because there will be 6 unique ukuleles up for sale, you will be able to select which design you want upon checkout. when someone grabs a particular design, it’s “SOLD OUT”**

* a black 32gig iPhone 3GS (previously owned by my associates at #TeamChaos), accompanied by a DVDR which’ll include tons of UkuleleHead content such as music videos, tons of outtakes from my album-shoot, alternate album art, and more.
* a personal phone/skype call, during which i’ll play the UkuleleHead song of your choice for you, as a private little serenade (note: my repetoire is limited, but we’ll email and i’ll do my best).
* a recording wherein i’ll sing a haiku written by you (or whatever 20-words-or-less-you-choose), accompanied by the magical ukulele.
* the t-shirt, vinyl, an AFP hurricane glass, a “vintage-ad” poster, a custom ukulele pick, a signed “glamour shot”, a recycled UkuleleHead can-lid magnet, and more!
+ immediate digital download of the album
all of the things you are seeing here were designed by BETH with the photos that DESI took…and everything is going to be shipped from beth’s joint in NYC.
things are available in limited quantities, so please, order TODAY if you want any of the packages or vinyl. we expect them to vanish.
kayla is working on a new ukulele design as we speak and it’s going to be GORGEOUS.
i’ll hopefully see you all tonight at the webcast.