Webchat/Q&A starting in about 20 minutes
Hello loves.
Greetings from wherever I am. I’ll give you a hint, it’s fekkin hot.
Just a reminder that we’re doing a webchat/Q&A in about half an hour…11:11 EST – July 18th. It’s for the webchat tier (and up). Bring your own lighthouse.
It’ll last about an hour.
I love you all a lot, and thank you for the beautiful feedback on Tuesday’s livestreamed show at Levon Helms. Your comments are giving me life.
These webchats are always nice and poetic and nourishing and I think we all need that right now. There’s about 60 people coming so far…I’ve got coffee and headphones. See you soon.
The link to join is here. As usual: please leave questions in the box on the right and upvote questions you’d like me to see.
PS If you missed the show on Tuesday, it’s up on archive for ALL PATRONS and I posted the setlist and all: https://www.patreon.com/posts/about-last-show-108296918