update via tumblr 3:05PM local time
THE BATTLE ROUTE* for today’s wellington ninja parade (click to enlarge):
we’ve been officially invited to stop by the city library, the te papa art museum (4th floor, free public ukuleles), and two art collectives/spaces:
• @laundryoncuba at 240 Cuba st
• the Garrett st collective (a 15 year-old political and bad-ass art space where we will wind up the party).
please bring gifts, food, peace offerings, and thanks for all these amazing volunteer hosts!!!!
see you all in a couple hours
3:45 pm at waterfront MOFOS!!!!
follow the hashtag on twitter in case we get waylaid : #AFPwellington
xx afp
* locations:
1. tuatua piano
2. @wcl_library
3. @Te_Papa
4. ferret bookshop
5. @laundryoncuba
6. garrett st. art collective
ok, ok, OK…i know. ninjas don’t “parade”. they wear black and stealthily destroy their opponents though their illusive, non-intrusive tactical prowess.
but THIS MOTHERFUCKIN NINJA is going to parade, because, well…that’s what i do.
i’m here early, getting over jetlag and there’s NO BETTER WAY. ninja parade.
i arrived here this morning at around 10 am and went for a refreshing walk to see what i could find. lo and behold, there’s a PAINTED PIANO right out on the waterfront. i played it for a while (and this total stranger, sarah fordham, snapped some pictures of me playing it, which i’ll tumbl. i gave her my email and she’s now coming to the official show at the san fran bathhouse, which is on wednesday night: tickets are available HERE and getting thin so please buy now and don’t expect to walk up and buy, they may be gonzo. doors are at 6:30pm. this was a very long tangent to put in parentheses but whatevs).
i then chatted to two old ladies who told me that the piano belonged to a nearby cafe. so i chatted with the cafe owner, and he’s totally cool with us using the piano for a song or two tomorrow. BAM.
that’s where we’ll start out ninja parade. on the waterfront, across from TuaTua Cafe (technically Boat shed 4-5 Frank kitts park, Wellington).
we shall meet there at 3:45 pm SHARP!
TODAY. which is MONDAY, september 2nd.
it gets dark early here, jesus, i’m not used to coming from summer to winter, this shit is backwards. but the forecast says SUN, thank god.
we will then parade to CUBA STREET at around 4:15/4:30, where we will do ninja-art-music action at AT LEAST three more locations:
1) this bookstore, which i found today on cuba street. the guy who runs it promised they’d be open from “at least 4:30 to 6 tomorrow”. what the fuck kind of town is this? i love it. so here we will QUIETLY, LIKE REAL NINJAS infiltrate, everybody will pick a book, or i’ll pick a book for you (they have some GREAT SHIT, and a lot of it is CHEAP), i will write in your books, and we will be armed with books, like….wise ninjas.
2. THEN WE WILL GO TO THE BUCKET FOUNTAIN a few feet away. because duh, bucket fountain. and we will all get wet and cold.
3. then we will go to a possible MYSTERIOUS THIRD LOCATION, to be determined according to availability.
and we may go to Te Papa if they tweet me back and allow us to inflitrate their ukulele collection.
• if applicable, bring an instrument
• if possible, bring a flag for our march
• if possible, bring a wheelchair. there’s a chick from twitter on crutches who is worried she won’t be able to keep up. and if we wind up with too many wheelchairs, AWESOME. free seats for the passing elderly. or, getaway devices.
• bring LOVE, SNACKS, CHILDREN and anything else you’d like to share with the rest of the class
• BRING PAPER AND SOMETHING TO WRITE WITH!!! in case, because, the end.
• FOLLOW THE TWITTER FEED. if you want to know where we are, my twitter will tell you, i’ll update every time we move. use the hashtag #AFPwellington
• spread the motherfucking word! this is happening in LESS THAN TWENTY FOUR HOURS and it’s a WORK DAY for most people – post to facebook, tweet up, text friends, tell your co-workers to quit their jobs for the afternoon and join the freaks.
IF YOU’RE LOCAL, even if you can’t come, REBLOG THIS SHIT to the MAX!
SEE YOU SOON, MES AMIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and with any luck, the incoming jet-lagged members of the gran theft orchestra will join us for some or all legs of the parade. @radcahines did bring his banjo for this tour….
EDIT, 8:34pm sunday p.s. location #3 may have just been sorted!!! it is this: GARRETT STREET COLLECTIVE. here’s their facebook and here’s an amazing picture. i think we’ll end here….if all goes according to anarchic plan):