O' Captain! My Captain!
We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, ”O me! O life!…of the questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless..…of cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life?” Answer. That you are here – that life exists, and identity; that the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. That the powerful play goes on and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?
The National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
#ocaptainmycaptain @amandapalmer pic.twitter.com/2oIUo9BTJZ
— ElizabethWPhilipbar (@mrswp93) August 12, 2014
#ohcaptainmycaptain #RobinWilliams #RobinWilliamsWillLiveOnForever #DeadPoetsSociety @amandapalmer @neilhimself pic.twitter.com/WTsExCYKqT
— Damian O'Meara (@dstntp1lgr1m) August 12, 2014
Low Ceilings, High Feelings.
Why did you jump the ship?
#OCaptainMyCaptain #RIPRobinWilliams
@amandapalmer pic.twitter.com/OovHNcoxzh
— Cormac Bride (@CormacBride) August 13, 2014
@amandapalmer Thanks for helping make this Memento Vitae. #OCaptainMyCaptain pic.twitter.com/lVOlm0yZPM
— River Vox (@River_Vox) August 13, 2014
I misspelled the hashtag. It was worth getting right… @amandapalmer
#OCaptainMyCaptain pic.twitter.com/mfPakfncbW
— Sunny Perkins Stokes (@sunnystill) August 13, 2014
What a fitting tribute to a remarkable artist. We salute you #RobinWilliams. @amandapalmer #OCaptainMyCaptain pic.twitter.com/VH43vl0ean
— Throwing Fruit (@ThrowingFruit) August 12, 2014
In memory of a man who reached so many in so many ways @amandapalmer #OCaptainMyCaptain pic.twitter.com/YXs1I4JPDJ
— Davyd with a Why? (@Davedamon) August 12, 2014
Always remember when things seem desolate to just take another step. #OCaptainMyCaptain beautiful idea @amandapalmer pic.twitter.com/ScscGdqebj
— arielkay (@arielkay) August 13, 2014
My attempt to honour a great man #OCaptainMyCaptain #RIPRobinWilliams pic.twitter.com/0FJrLwsbOg
— Sara Dennison (@saradee121) August 13, 2014
Climbing ever higher and higher, Robin. @amandapalmer #OCaptainMyCaptain pic.twitter.com/bY7QKK6ThQ
— Bryt (@MizzReeLoves) August 13, 2014
@amandapalmer #ohcaptainmycaptain #highschoolteacher pic.twitter.com/Hm1y3mc8Se
— Crys (@Crysthedoula) August 13, 2014
'Seize the day' ' look at things in a different way' @amandapalmer #OCaptainMyCaptain pic.twitter.com/XENutfGHWZ
— Fran (@franus69) August 13, 2014
#OCaptainMyCaptain #RIPRobinWilliams @amandapalmer I'll miss you Robin pic.twitter.com/L7KOHtl1XT
— Annoying Owl (@TEAthatisICED) August 13, 2014
@amandapalmer look what a german newsanchor woman did! @CarenMiosga ! #RIPRobinWilliams pic.twitter.com/VP4pj2sye2 #ohcaptainmycaptain
— Uwe Hauck (@bicyclist) August 12, 2014
@amandapalmer Every time I watch it, it hits too near the bone. #OCaptainMyCaptain pic.twitter.com/piidOQnwWz
— Amanda Renee (@intheemptyhours) August 13, 2014
@amandapalmer I have a desk. #ohcaptainmycaptain pic.twitter.com/POU0vPK0Bn
— Nicole (@cyndaelle) August 12, 2014
Mr. Williams, the world is a lesser place without you in it. #OCaptainMyCaptain #nanunanu @amandapalmer pic.twitter.com/kHDaSfGaRV
— Nancy Chenier (@rowdy_phantom) August 13, 2014
@amandapalmer "oh Captain, My Captain!" #ohcaptainmycaptain #RIPRobinWilliams pic.twitter.com/XHj0zdT5Eg
— Uwe Hauck (@bicyclist) August 12, 2014
@amandapalmer #ohcaptainmycaptain rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up. pic.twitter.com/XMzInQoJ9G
— Bryt (@MizzReeLoves) August 12, 2014
Joy today feels like rebellion against depression. #OCaptainMyCaptain @amandapalmer pic.twitter.com/xsyzZvrU4C
— Jennifer Johansen (@thatchild) August 13, 2014
#OCaptainMyCaptain pic.twitter.com/iiOBPyQB54
— Rachel A Blackwell (@racheblackwell) August 12, 2014
i have to get the hell off the internet and clean my house or i'm gonna have a crying jag, but #OCaptainMyCaptain. pic.twitter.com/GcNi6ZD4Zk
— Milo Maricón (@tangledruffian) August 12, 2014
“Thank you for playing Mr. Dalton. I stand upon my desk to remind myself that we must constantly look at things in a different way.”
thank you, robin. we are standing here for you.
you’ve got a desk. you know what to do.