possibly the hottest picture ever taken

by allan amato…i like the band-aid best of all.
the mag/zine is a fabulous homespun operation, run by a small handful of rad folks including my friend meredith yayanos (who also often plays violin with me & the dolls). btw, they’re also on twitter & facebook if you’re feeling frisky and wanna keep tabs.
there’s an unbelievable line-up in this issue….zoë keating, clive barker, wil wheaton, ali madhavi, chinese pulp, the new york burlesque scene & morrrre.
it’s now actually SOLD OUT via http://coilhouse.net/magazine/ but you can get a taste there of what to expect, then be sure to run out to barnes & noble, borders, and/or select INDIE shops. most of them still have a copy or two…for now.
here’s the cover, to help you spot it quick amidst the rush: