Vintage Lyric Shirt for Auction ! Bidding closes May 16 (This Thursday)
Hallo loves.
“If I had not had that abortion, I’m pretty sure there would be no Fleetwood Mac.”
-Stevie Nicks.
Well, Amen Stevie.
If I hadn’t had that abortion at 17, there would not be a Dresden Dolls.
I have a fun sorta weird one for you today….
TL;DR…I’m part of a charity auction with a bunch of other incredible folks to benefit Abortion Access Front!
I am HONORED AF to be joining forces with Sarah Silverman, Jamie Lee Curtis, Margaret Cho, Stevie Nicks, Sandra Bernhard, Neko Case and more to raise funds for this mega-critical cause.
They embroidered a line of Dresden Dolls lyrics (from “Good Day”) onto a beautiful vintage blouse and it’s up for an AUCTION which closes May 16. Bid here:
If you haven’t been living under a rock, you may have noticed that the abortion Rights Issue in America has gone from grim to grimmer.
State by state, slowly but surely, the right to access a safe and legal abortion is going away. It’s a human rights horror show.
The hardest thing, I think, is the emboldening of misogynist narrative and the shame that women and young girls are being exposed to.
The work of decades of feminism and progress being unspooled.
I’ve had three abortions, and I talked deeply about every complicated one of them during my stage show in 2019. I spoke aloud wit the hopes that Roe wouldn’t get overturned.
The worst happened. I felt despair.
Then I watched as the stories got buried further underground.
This is what shocks me the most: the fight being buried, the exhaustion kicking in.
The fight that still rages in my heart. The stories that will not be told.
The man who whispered to me: “You killed a baby”.
And my god, as I open the paper every day and see Trump’s angry, traumatized face staring back at me, I think of the millions and millions of men who have taken part in and been involved in their wive’s abortions, their girlfriend’s abortions, their babysitter’s abortions, their mistress’s abortions….and my god, these guys who will always, always stay silent.
It will always be up to the women (hey!) to do this exhausting work and keep telling the story.
We will have to, babes, because it’s not getting better naytime soon. We’re in for an uphill battle.
Why? Because of people like Lizz Winstead from Abortion Access Front, who’s running this charity auction to raise funds for AAF, who fight on the front lines to get information and care to people who need it.
It wasn’t me who initially chose the lyric (I think it was Lizz?) but “I’d like to do more than survive, I’d like to rub it in your face”, from an early The Dresden Dolls song “God Day”, for a quote to be embroidered on a shirt to raise funds for Abortion Access Front seems…very logical.
Look at these power women.
All of us provided a quote, the quote was embroidered onto a vintage shirt, and all the shirts are up for auction. The auction closes May 16th so go FAST and bid. Your dollars will towards the endless battle to make sure people can access safe and legal abortion in our country. It’s getting more and more important every day. Dig deep and bid high.
Here I am, signing zee shirt….
My fellow soldiers in this fight….
and there’s more. Go to the link.
If you win this shirt and bring it to a show I promise I will personally also make it out to you and draw a dick on it if you want.
Thanks to Michael McComiskey for taking the shots of me and to Lizz Winstead for putting this epic idea together. GO BID.
Our shirt is already at $550 and blazing along…GO GO GO!!! Bid.
Need some more rage?
If you’ve missed some more of the latest US abortion headlines…
Here’s what’s being proposed in Louisiana…
And states that will – or could be – voting on abortion access in November.